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发布时间:2018/6/6 0:00:33




规格:口径:8.5cm 高:24cm 底径:7.7cm

类别:瓷器    年代:五代十国

对于柴窑,只能在文献的片断中一窥真容。据载,柴荣描绘它:“雨过天晴云破处,者般颜色做将来。”明清文献更为清晰地描述柴窑“青如天、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”, 在颜色不光只青色,还有黑、黄、白、酱釉、芝麻酱色多种。但是中国瓷界及海外一直很少见柴窑踪影。柴窑是后周皇帝柴荣所创烧,所以称柴窑,它是唯一以人姓氏命名的官窑瓷。





规格:口径:12.4cm 高:46.5cm 底径:13.5cm

类别:瓷器    年代:清代








【规格】:口径:26.8cm ;高:11.4cm; 底径:13cm





History of archeology shows that it was not until the Han Dynasty that the incense made for incense was produced. Since then, various types of incense, incense smoke, smoked balls, incense boxes, etc. have emerged. The various types of incense aromas have also become an important part of the incense culture. The Chinese incense culture, which has a long history, has been recorded.


规格:重:945g 高:18cm 口径:14.5cm

类别:瓷器 年代:大清乾隆年制


Name: Green Glaze Hollow ConvulsionSpecification: Weight: 945G Height: 18cm Calibre: 14.5 cmCategory: China Age: Qing Dynasty Qianlong Year SystemThis piece of green glaze hollowed out to turn the heart aromatherapy should be the first year of Qianlong products, still remaining in the wind is leaving. The instrumental atmosphere is beautiful, and the bottom is engraved with the "Qing Dynasty Qianlong Year System" six-character three-line script. The fetal body is thin, the tone is pure and elegant, and the glaze water flows naturally, the green glaze of blue and blue, and the lower part of the body is larger, row by row, and it is extraordinary. These characteristics have always been maintained in the Yongzheng period. The early years of Qianlong lasted for a short period of time and were regarded as the most successful products of green glaze in the Qing Dynasty. It is a collection with great collection and investment value. We hope that the vast number of collectors and investors will appreciate it!


Yuan Qinghua porcelain has opened up a new era of transition from Prime porcelain to colored porcelain. Its rich and magnificent style, bold style, and wide range of paintings are very different from the traditional aesthetic interests of the Chinese nation. It is really a strange flower in the history of Chinese ceramics. At the same time, Jingdezhen has become the center of the porcelain industry in the Middle Ages. The fine Yuan Qinghua was always the favorite of the Tibetans at the auction. Today, he compiled an inventory of the eight most famous New Year's Day green pots in history.


规格:重:9430g 高:28cm 口径:20.5cm 底径:20.5cm

类别:瓷器 年代:元代

此件鬼谷子下山图青花大罐素底宽圈足,直口短颈,唇口稍厚,溜肩圆腹,肩以下渐广,至腹部下渐收,至底微撇,共分四层,一层颈部饰水波纹,二层肩部饰缠枝牡丹、三层腹部为〝鬼谷子下山〞主题纹饰,四层下部为变型莲瓣纹内绘琛宝,俗称『八大码』。此器型大方大器,釉色老练沉稳,罐内又有凤凰绘饰,工艺十分到位, 其款为〝古相博陵第〞款,相当特别,收藏价值极高。

Name: Ghost Valley downhill map Qinghua big potSpecification: Weight: 9430g Height: 28cm Calibre: 20.5 cm Bottom diameter: 20.5 cmCategory: porcelain age: Yuan DynastyThis ghost Valley down the hill map of the green flowers can be a wide circle foot, straight short neck, lips slightly thick, shoulders and bellies, shoulders gradually widened below, gradually to the abdomen, to the bottom of the bottom, a total of four layers, a layer of neck decorated with water ripples, The second floor shoulders are decorated with twigs and Peony, and the third floor abdomen is the theme decoration of the ghost Valley. The lower part of the fourth floor is a variant of the lotus leaf pattern, which is commonly known as the "eight big codes." This type of generous device, enamel sophisticated and steady, the pot and Phoenix painting decoration, the process is in place, its model is the first phase of the ancient phase of the Boling, quite special, extremely high collection value.


What is described is the story of Ghost Valley at the request of Qi's envoy, and the story of Qi Qi's famous Sun Yi and Tokgo Chen. The ghost Valley green flower pot is the blue and white porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty. There are very few Yuan Qinghua porcelain that exists in the world, and there are very few historical figures. The precious thing about this pot is that it describes ancient times. A mysterious figure-Ghost Valley, Ghost Valley is quite mysterious in history. He has profound knowledge and has achieved certain achievements in various talents such as politics, military affairs, diplomacy, and astronomy and geography. The outstanding military strategists Sun Yi and Pang Yu in the Warring States period are all his masters.


A group of people and mountain trees and stones constitute a spectacular and beautiful landscape painting. The entire green flower decoration is rich and colorful, the picture is full, dense and dense, the main time is distinct, and it is integrated. The characters are smooth and natural, full of charm, and the mountains and stones are dyed and dripping. The pen is exquisite and very perfect. As Mr. Sunyingzhou said: "The porcelain of the Yuan Dynasty was quite refined."


Dehua Kiln is located in the foothills of Daiyun in the central part of Fujian Province and is rich in high-quality porcelain clay. The content of iron oxide in Dehua white porcelain fetal glaze is particularly low, and the content of potassium oxide is high. The neutral atmosphere is used when firing. Therefore, Dehua white porcelain fetal is dense, white glaze is white, bright and shiny, and milky white is condensed, and smooth. Like jade, Give people a sense of exquisite.


规格:长:41.7cm 高:21.3cm

类别:瓷器 年代:明代(何朝宗款)


Name: Dehua Kiln Reclining Audio-visualSpecification: Length: 41.7 cm Height: 21.3 cmCategory: porcelain age: Ming Dynasty(He Chaozong)This piece of Guanyin hair comb high, top Buddha. The face is long and round, and the manner is kind. Dressed in a wide-sleeved gown, topless Lotus cornet, wrist jade bracelet,. Inside and outside of the white glaze, this Guanyin shape, look natural and solemn, extraordinary and refined. The lines are smooth and smooth, the ribbon is free and easy, and the white glaze color adds to the sacred sense of Guanyin. The back part of the seal "Hezhaozong" seal gourd-shaped seal.


The statues of the White Glaze Guanyin and Dharma, which were burned in the Ming Dynasty, were perfectly integrated and crystal like jade. They were known as "Chinese White" and "Ivory White." In addition to burning white porcelain in the Qing Dynasty, blue flowers and painted porcelain were also burned. Dehua kiln products are exquisite, the characters are vivid, realistic and distinctive. Dehua kiln porcelain is an important collection in the cultural relics collection of the Palace Museum. It not only has Dehua fine products from the old possession of the Qing Palace, but also some of them have been acquired into Tibet.


Dehua kiln porcelain soil content of Silicon oxide is high, the fetal body is fine, good light permeability, glaze color is pure. With white as the tone, abandoning the color ornaments, it also strengthens the extraordinary transcendental realm of the works, making it unique in many Buddhist works in the Ming Dynasty. Fujian Dehua appeared in the late Ming Dynasty with a group of porcelain plastic artisans headed by Hezhaozong. His works have a prominent texture, pay attention to expression, and have an extraordinary temperament.

李春造, 1936年生于河北省巨鹿县,号巨鹿山人。现任中国书画联谊会理事、中山书画研究社会员、中华名人画院花鸟画家、中原书画研究院高 级画师、北京美术家协会会员、中国翰墨轩书画院副院长。 1957年进入中央美术学院学习,受中国国画大师齐白石亲自指点,师从娄师白、黄胄 、李苦禅先生,并得真传,专攻花鸟,承、创新,学习、改良”,数十年如一日,奉行于每一笔的水墨之间。到今天,谓之“炉火纯青”,应不为过。尤擅画虾。央视报道称其为“中国虾王”


名称:李春造 (九宫八卦图)(龙腾四海图)

规格:68X68cm 100X50cm

类别:字画 年代:近代



The seal collection has been stretching in two different directions. The first is the Tibetan seal, that is, the appreciation of the seal seal seal of the stone beauty, the poetry of the vicissitudes of beauty, the ease of interest of the United States of India. Another kind of gameplay is the Tibetan stone, that is, appreciating the sealant of the seal stone and the carving of the Indian New Year, especially Tian Huangshi and the chicken blood stone are expensive, and they are tender and greasy, and the color can capture the soul, "frozen in the stream" and "congealed". "Xia Xia" is its reputation.



类别:杂项 年代:清代


Name: Old Hang Tianhuang Zodiac SealSpecification: Total weight: 4950gCategory: Miscellaneous Years: Qing DynastyThis group of old pit Tianhuang's zodiac seal is naturally soft in color, with a light "orange peel yellow" color, extremely detailed radish texture, dense desire, and obvious and easy to distinguish red tendons; Its special texture is greasy, warm, and thin, and it has an indescribable sense of oil and water. It is obviously produced by Nakasaka and has excellent color. And this set of printing materials is extremely large. From ancient times to the present, Tian Huang has always used two prices. Usually one or more people are considered to be material, and the two are large materials, while those who are more than half a pound are also giant materials. Because Tianhuangyuanshi is mostly a naturally shaped oval-shaped monolith, it can be imagined that such a large and perfect square printing material can be formed by using how much of the Tianhuangyuan stone can be formed. Who is so luxurious and enviable to the royal family? The status of the Indian owner is self-evident.


Because of his exclusive yellow color, Tianhuangshi was favored by the Manchu royal family and regarded as a treasure. He was eager to find it. The price was similar to that of Jin Yu. He was regarded as a treasure and was loved by literati, bureaucrats, royalty, and emperors. Since the Qing Dynasty, he has been very famous. According to legend, Emperor Qianlong used Tian Huangshi to worship the sky and crowned the emperor's hat. Therefore, Tian Huang has always had the title of the king of the stone.

田黄石作为石中之王,材质温润凝腻,在软质雕刻石中居第一品,是古代帝王印章的材料,自明清以来就被印人视为 “印石之王”。明清各朝均被当作贡品献入皇宫,被雕刻成御用的玺印及艺术摆件。史载,清时福建巡抚用一整块上等田黄雕刻了“三连章”,乾隆皇帝奉为至宝,清室代代相传;咸丰帝临终时,赐予慈禧一方田黄御玺;末代皇朝解体,溥仪不要所有珍宝,只将那枚“三连章”缝在棉衣里。至于民间相传,田黄石是女祸补天时遗留在人间的宝石,又说是凤凰鸟蛋所变,还传田黄石可驱灾避邪,藏田者能益寿延年等等也使田黄的尊贵地位得到凸显,甚至让田黄蒙上了一层神秘色彩。故田黄一直是收藏家梦寐以求的至宝。有“黄金易得,田黄难求”,“一两田黄三两金”之说。

Tianhuangshi, as the king of the stone, has a warm and greasy material. He is the first product in the soft carving stone and is the material of the ancient emperor's seal. Since the Ming and Qing dynasties, he has been regarded as the "king of printing stones" by the Indians. Both the Ming and Qing dynasties were presented as tribute to the imperial palace and were carved into imperial seals and artistic decorations. History contains that during the Qing Dynasty, the governor of Fujian Province carved the "three chapters" with a single piece of Tian Huang. The Emperor Qianlong was regarded as a treasure, and the Qing room was passed down from generation to generation; At the end of Emperor Xianfeng's death, he was given Huangyuxi, one of Cixi's sons; The dissolution of the last dynasty, Puyi do not want all the treasures, only the "three chapters" sewn in the cotton clothes. As for the folk legend, Tianhuangshi is a jewel left behind by the woman when she made up for the sky. It is also said that the Phoenix bird eggs have changed, and Chuantianhuangshi can drive away disasters and avoid evil spirits. The Tibetan people can live for a long time and so on. The noble status of Tian Huang has also been highlighted. Even made Tian Huang a layer of mystery. Therefore, Tian Huang has always been a collector's favorite treasure. There is "Gold Easy, Tianhuangnanqiu", "One or two Huangsan



规格:长:996cm 宽:69cm





Chinese bronzes are exquisitely made, enjoying high reputation and artistic value in the world bronzes, mainly referring to bronzes made of copper and tin more than 4,000 years ago, or " bronzes" for short. Including cookers, food utensils, wine utensils, water utensils, musical instruments, horses and chariots, bronze mirrors, hooks, weapons, tools, weights and measures, etc. Appeared and became popular 4,000 years ago until the Qin and Han dynasties.


The color of bronze ware is very beautiful when it is really made, and it is golden khaki, because it is only when it is buried in the soil and rusted that it becomes green bit by bit. Because bronze ware is made entirely by hand, no two pieces are identical, and each one is unique and unparalleled.


Ancient Chinese bronze wares are great contributions made by our ancestors to human material civilization. Although the appearance of Chinese bronze wares is later than other parts of the world in terms of archaeological data, there is no place in the world where bronze wares can be compared with ancient Chinese bronze wares in terms of their use scale, casting technology, modeling art and varieties. This is also one of the reasons why ancient Chinese bronze wares occupied a unique position in the world artistic history and attracted general attention.


艺术品类别:杂项    年代:战汉

艺术品规格: 重:160.9克

Art name: bronze tripodsArt category: miscellaneous age: Han dynastyArt specifications: weight: 160.9g.


O n the one hand, the bronze wares of the warring States period continued to develop a fine-grained style, and on the other hand, there were many plain-faced implements, which showed that the bronze wares of that time tended to be practical. This kind of ethos is closely related to the decline of nobles and the development of county system. By the Han dynasty, the bronzes used as ritual vessels had declined, but instead, the technological design of daily practical bronzes became more exquisite, such as exquisitely designed fumigators and bronze cups, finely decorated seats with hooks and vivid shapes, etc. This change not only reflects the political changes of the times, but also shows that the bronze ware manufacturing technology is constantly improving to adapt to the secular society.


The culture of bronze wares in pre - Qin dynasty is not only limited to the manufacture and use of bronze wares, but also includes gold and silver wares. From the perspective of cultural communication, there are many exotic factors in the bronze culture of central plains, which bear the Chinese history in a large space-time range. Chinese bronze ware is the creation that highly combines artistry and practicality. it has important historical and cultural values and is also the brilliant crystallization of ancient science and technology and art.


At present, some foreseen investors have begun to shift their collection focus to bronze weapons and miscellaneous bronzes quietly, and these " potential stocks" have increased 10 times in value in recent ten years. Among them, the collection of small bronzes is very active in the market, and the price once soared, which shows high investment value. In recent years, the most active small bronzes in the market are bronze mirrors and cups.


